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Info About This Tab
Artist: Grave
Tab Type: Guitar
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                            GRAVE - CHRISTI(NS)ANITY
                       From the Album: YOU'LL NEVER SEE...
                          Copyright: Century Media 1992
                           Version 1.0 - October 2001
Transcribed by: James Williams (Inverted)
For Questions, Comments, Newest Version, or Corrections contact
 Inverted: at Inverted_one@hotmail.com
Check Out Death8699.com Metaltabs.com or dsrmusic.com for More
Transcriptions: http://www.Death8699.com http://www.Metaltabs.com

 .  - palm mute           /  - slide up to
 \  - slide down to       ~  - vibrato
 h  - hammer on           b  - bend
 p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend ^
 ph - pinched harmonic     f - full bend    h - half bend
 *  - see comment          r - release      t - tap bend
 X  - Stuccatto            ~ - vibrato bend q - quarter bend
 ,  - slight palm mute    () - ghost note, sustained note
Tune Guitar to "B"E"A"D"F#"D"
Riff 1 Gtr I                          x3                                     x1
|---------|Gtr II
pm . .
Riff 2 - A                            x3                                     x1
pm . .                                      . .    
Riff 2 - B                            x3                                     x1
pm ..                                      ..
Riff 3
Riff 4 - A
Riff 4 - B

Riff - C

Riff 4 - D

Riff 5
pm .        . . .    . . .  .       .        . . .    . . .  .
Riff 6 - A
pm                                          ................................

Riff 6 - B (solo riff)
pm                                          ................................

Riff 7 - A

Riff 7 - B

Song Structure:

Riff ( 1 ) x 1
Riff (2-A) x 1
Riff (2-B) x 2
Riff ( 3 ) x 4
Riff (2-B) x 2
Riff ( 3 ) x 4
Riff (4-A) x 2
Riff (4-B) x 4
Riff (4-C) x 2
Riff (4-B) x 4
Riff (4-D) x 8
Riff ( 5 ) x 4
Riff (6-A) x 1
Riff (6-B) x 2 W/Solo
Riff ( 1 ) x 1
Riff (2-A) x 1
Riff (2-B) x 2
Riff (7-A) x 8
Riff (7-B) x 10

 Check out my other tabs by Grave, Hypocrisy and Obituary.

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song: christinsanity guitar tabs by grave