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Artist: Camille Saint-saens
Tab Type: Guitar
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This file was written with font: Courier New, size 12.

Le Petite Moulin (The Little Windmill); by Camille Saint Saens.

Tab & left hand fingering by James Jay

A great piece easy to play. Good for an opening selection.
To learn this, or any piece, play v-e-r-y slowly until you are bored stiff.
Then increase the metronome by 1 notch. OK go for 2 notches but don't
bust ya fingers!

Normal tuning. EADGBE
4/4 time signature.
All notes are played as 16ths.
Numbers in brackets are suggested alternate fingerings; like so [3].
Feel free to use your own fingering.

Repeat measures 1 to 12 & then jump to the second ending at measure 17.
The fermetta at measure 22 means hold the last note for few extra seconds.
I usually play a slight retard at 22 as well. Give it a strong emphasis to
create tension & then relieve it with the last bar.

Watch out now... there's a marksman in the back of the audience with a rifle
& scope trained on the neck of your guitar & following your left hand movement.
As soon as he sees the tip of the thumb stick out above the neck he will pick it 
right off. 

Have fun !

===========================Le Petite Moulin=============================
                          Camille Saint Saens


1                                 2
  2     3       1 2             1     2 1 4   2 1 3   2 1     2 1 3

3 same as 1                       4 same as 2

  2     3       1 2             1     2 1 4   2 1 3   2 1     2 1 3

5                                 6
  2           1   2   4   3         2   4       1   2   4   2   3

7 same as 5                       8 same as 6
  2           1   2   4   3         2   4       1   2   4   2   3

9                                 10
      3       3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11                                12
      3   1   3   1   3   1   4     1   3   1   3       3
                                                       [2]  2

First Ending 13 to 16...............................................
13                                14
    1 3 1   1 4 1   1 2 1   1 4 1     1 2 1   1 4 1   1 3 1   1 3 1

15                                16
    1 3 1   1 4 1   1 2 1   1 4 1     1 2 1   1 4 1   1  - - -1 4 1


17 second ending                  18
    1 3 1   1 4 1   1 2 1   1 4 1     1 2 1   1 4 1   1 3 1   1   1

19                                20
    3 2 3   3 4 3 1 3 2 3 1 3 4 3   1 3 2 4   3 2 4 1 3 2 4   3 2 4 
alt[2 1 2   2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 2   1 2 1 3   2 1 3 1 2 1 3   2 1 3]  

21                                22               rit--          .
  1 3 2 4   3 2 4 1 3 2 4   3 2 4   1 2 1 3   2 1 3 1 2 4 3   2 1 3
 [1 2 1 3   2 1 3 1 2 1 3   2 1 3]  

23                                24  ritarded....
  2 3                         3

At measure 24 I usually brush a G chord with my thumb instead of what's written.



Let me know how you did with this piece.


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song: le petit moulin the little windmill guitar tabs by camille saint-saens