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Artist: Devendra Banhart
Tab Type: Guitar
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Lend me your teeth
Devendra Banhart

tuning tuned a bit off (EADGBE)

repeat a bunch then use the same notes in the chords

For a sing along!
lyrics (follow very Closely)

I'm lost in the dark, lend me your teeth
I'm lost in the dark, lend me your teeth
I'm lost in the dark, lend me your teeth
I'm lost in the dark, lend me your teeth (Scream very loudly) COME ON
I'm lost in the dark, lend me your teeth (Scream very loudly) COME ON
I'm lost in the dark, lend me your teeth (Scream very loudly) COME ON
I'm lost in the dark, lend me your teeth
I'm lost in the dark, lend me your teeth (Scream very loudly) COME ON
I'm lost in the dark, lend me your teeth (Scream very loudly) COME ON
I'm lost in the dark, lend me your teeth

(take off your pants and hit your tighs for that super awesome slapping sound!)
(Just scream for a bit, add a bit of whistling)

I'm lost in the dark, lend me your teeth (Queitly) COME ON
I'm lost in the dark, lend me your teeth (Queitly) COME ON

The Grandest Almond

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song: lend me your teeth guitar tabs by devendra banhart