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Info About This Tab
Artist: Akercocke
Tab Type: Guitar
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this is not my own tab but one i took from metal tabs website, all credit goes to John
Mansley "borowed" by Paul Filth

Band:  Akercocke
Album: Chronozon
Song:  Leviathan

Copyright (c)  (Earache) (2003)
Version 1.0 - (11/3/04)

Transcribed By: John Mansley
Email:          john@smansley.freeserve.co.uk

.  - palm mute           /  - slide up to
\  - slide down to       ~  - vibrato
h  - hammer on           b  - Bend
p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend
t  - tap                 f  - full bend    h - half bend
ph - pinched harmonic    q  - quarter bend t - tap bend
*  - see comment         ^  - Hold bend    r release bend
x  - Stuccatto           ~  - vibrato bend
,  - slight palm mute    () - ghost note, sustained note
"  - tremolo note        <> - Trill
nh - natural harmonic

Notes  : All guitars are notated as distorted unless otherwise

Tunning: Tune down 2 whole steps to C F A# D# G C


|Gtr1 (clean)
|               |               |               |               |
|Gtr2           |               |               |               |

Riff A1:

|                |                |                |                |
|Gtr2            |                |                |                |
                                    . . . .

|                |                |                |                |
|Gtr2            |                |                |                |
  . . . .                           . . . .

Riff A2:

|                |                |                |                |
|Gtr2            |                |                |                |
  . . . .                           . . . .

Riff B1:

|Both Gtrs (clean)

Riff A3:

|Gtr1 (let ring)
|                |                |                |                |
|Gtr2            |                |                |                |
  . . . .                           . . . .

Riff B2:

|Both Gtrs (clean)

Riff C:

|Both Gtrs (* Gtr1 only)


Riff D1:

|Gtr1 (clean, let ring)
|                |                |                |                |
|Gtr2            |                |                |                |
  .  . . . .       .  . . . . .     . . . . .        . . . . . .

Riff D2:
|Gtr1 (let ring)                                                  1|
|------------0---|---grad bend----|------------0---|----------------|
|---0------3---3-|bh-----------r--|---0------3-----|---grad bend----|
|                |                |                |                |
|Gtr2            |                |                |                |
  .  . . . .       .  . . . . .     . . . . .        . . . . . .

|Gtr1                           2|
|                |                |
|Gtr2            |                |
  . . . . .        . . . . . .

Riff E1:

|Both Gtrs

Riff F:

|Gtr1 (clean)
|                |                |                |                |
|Gtr2            |                |                |                |
  . . .            . . .            . . .            . . .

Riff E2:

|                       |                           |
|Gtr2                   |                           |

Riff E3:
|Both Gtrs                                            1,3,5,7|
  ......                  ....   ..                    .   .
 _____________________________  _____________________________
                           2,6|                           4,8|
                                                       . . .

Riff G:


Riff H

 ................ ................ ................ ................

 ................ ................ ................ ................

Riff I:


Riff J1:
                  _______________  _______________  _______________
|Both Gtrs                    1,3|               2|               4|
 ................ ................ ................  .      .   .

Riff J2:
                  _______________  _______________  _______________
|Gtr2                         1,3|               2|               4|
 ................ ................ ................  ....   .   .





  . . . . . ... .. . ... ..    . . . . . . . .

|---------------ph---|--ph---grad bend----|

Riff K:

|Both Gtrs
          .  . .   .   . .  .  .

Riff L1:
                               _____________  _____________
|Both Gtrs                                 1|             2|

Riff L2:
                               _____________  _____________
|Gtr1                                      1|             2|

Rhy. Fill 1:

|Gtr2 (let ring)

Lead 1:


Riff M1:

|Gtr1 (* 3rd time only)
|                |               |                |              |
|Gtr2            |               |                |              |
  . . . . . . .    . . . . . . .   . . . . . . .     .     .  .

Riff N:

|                |               |                |              |
|Gtr2            |               |                |              |

Riff M2:

|                |               |                |              |
|Gtr2            |               |                |              |
  . . . . . . .    . . . . . . .   . . . . . . .     .     .  .

|                |               |                |              |
|Gtr2            |               |                |              |
  . . . . . . .    . . . . . . .   . . . . . . .     .     .  .

|                |               |                |              |
|Gtr2            |               |                |              |
  . . . . . . .    . . . . . . .   . . . . . . .     .     .  .

|                |               |                |              |
|Gtr2            |               |                |              |
  . . . . . . .    . . . . . . .   . . . . . . .     .     .  .

Riff M3:

|Gtr1 (* w/ whammy flutter)
|                |               |                |              |
|Gtr2            |               |                |              |
  . . . . . . .    . . . . . . .   . . . . . . .     .     .  .

|                |               |                |
|Gtr2            |               |                |
  . . . . . . .    . . . . . . .   . . . . . .

Song Structure:

Intro       (x1 3/4)
Riff A1
Riff A2     (x2)
Riff B1     (x2)
Riff A2     (x2)
Riff A3     (x2)
Riff B1
Riff B2
Riff C
Riff D1     (x2)
Riff D2
Riff D1
Riff E1     (x4)
Riff F      (x2)
Riff E2     (x4)
Riff F      (x2)
Riff E3
Riff G      (x4)  |  Riff I played over this section
Riff H      (x2) _|

Riff J1     (x2)
Riff J2     (x2) _|  Solo played over this riff

Riff K      (x8)

Riff L1     (x2)
Riff L1     (Gtr2 only, x4) & Riff L2 (x2)
Rhy. Fill 1

The keyboards now continue with the Riff L1 motif x4

Riff L1     (keyboards, x4) & Lead 1 (x4)
Riff M1     (x4)
Riff N      (x4)
Riff M2
Riff N      (x4)
Riff M4

Phew!  I hope it's all there but if I've made a mistake or you
just want to mae a comment, feel free to contact me at the above
email address.

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song: leviathan guitar tabs by akercocke