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Artist: Skid Row
Tab Type: Guitar
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Skid Row, Quicksand Jesus.
 Tabbed by Storm, bighabit69@iamwasted.com.
Tuning (Low To High): E C D G B E


E5                G5              A5            C5add9
o  xxx           xoo x          xo  xx          x xo x
||||||          ||||||          ||||||          ||||||
|11|||          ||||||          ||11||          ||||||
||||||          2|||3|          ||||||          |2||3|

D5                B5            E5vii            C5 
xoo  x          x   xx          x   xx          x   xx
||||||          ||||||          |1||||          |1||||
|||1||          |1||||          ||||||          ||||||
||||3|          ||||||          ||34||          ||34||

C5(type2)         D5v             D/A             Em
/\\  xx          x   xx          xoo             o  ooo
11||||3fr       |1||||3fr       ||||||5fr       ||||||
||||||          ||||||          |||1|2          |23|||
||34||          ||34||          ||||3|          ||||||

Intro     *Gtr1          Let it ring throughout     (Rhy Fig. 1)
Note: 1 chord for each 4 notes

   Emadd9        Em9     Emadd4    Emadd9   Em9     Emadd4     Emadd9

  Cmaj7#11 Cadd9#11 C6add#11 Cmaj7#11 Emadd9   Em9    Emadd4   N.C(Em)

End Rhy. Fig. 1
1st, 2nd Verses                         
w/Rhy. Fig. 1(2 times)                    (2nd time w/Fill 1)
Emadd9  Em9   Emadd4   Emadd9       Em9     Emadd4     Emadd9
1. She caught_   the melt- ing sky.It burned,but still the winter pas-

Cmaj7#11 Cadd9#11 C6add#11 Cmaj7#11 Emadd9    Em9    Emadd4  N.C(em) 
 ses by_ and by,_             to the oth-er side.______________

Emadd9   Em9   Emadd4   Emadd9       Em9      Emadd4      Emadd9
Gtr. II (Elec.)
    A slow_ pa-rade of wind,_____That blows through trees_that wil-ted

2nd time substitute Rhy. Fill 1 (Gtr. II)
Cmaj7#11 Cadd9#11 C6add#11 Cmaj7#11 Emadd  Em9    Emadd4     N.C(Em)
with_ the sea-sons chil-dren______________________________

Fill 1 (Gtr. II)-elec. 


This section plays Guitar I and II together.
   D5               Cadd9                 Em9     Em     Em7
GtrII               let it ring----|                         let ring
|GtrI     (let it ring throughout)|                                  |
Are we saved by the words_ of bas-tard saints_________________

 D5               Cadd9          To Coda Bmb6               N.C
GtrII                let it ring------|
|GtrI          let it ring throughout                               |
Do we live in fear_ or faith___?   Tell me now,_who's behind the rain?
Rhy. Fill 1  (Gtr. II)
         let ring|    let ring - - - - - - - - - - -|



Emadd9    Em9    Emadd4     Emadd9 [fdbk]    Em9  Emadd4    Emadd9
                          ~~~~~~                            f
                                 (Feedback pitch D)
(Rain)_______________________________________________   Oh!__________

                                                        D.S. al Coda
Cmaj7#11 Cadd9#11 C6add#11 cmaj7#11  Emadd9   Em9   Emadd4   N.C.
               ^let ring|                         

GTR I and II play together      onset of               (6)19fr
                             Gtr.III(dist.elec.) =   B\\sl.
Bmaddb6                           Bbm6           
|GTR I                            |                                 |
Tell me, whoUs_ be-hind_______________ the rain?.____________________
E5             G5
what do we need?
A5             G5
where do we go?
E5          G5     D5           C5add9    D5\\   G5\\  
when we get where we don't know_________
E5               G5
Why should we doubt____
    A5               (end rhy.fig 2)    B5                    D5      E5
the virgin white of fallen snow,_ when faith's our shel-ter from   the 

Gtr IV
                           ^pick sl.


   D5                       C5 E5viii A5 E5    
   a/                       a/          ta\\~~~       (end fig.3)~~~
                                    *Depress bar 1/2 note before striking
                                        + slight vib. with bar

W./rhy.fig 3(2 times i.e: next two bars)
   D5                               C5             E5iv
            s                    f     f          a

   A5   E5
   g  let ring - - - - - - - - -      

   D5                         C5              E5(vii)
                 ~~~~~p      h          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P.M.- - - |

   A5     E5  let ring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|
|---3 / 7--------7-------5 / 8-------8----7----8---8 \\ 12-----------|

w/Rhy. Fig. 3 (1st bar only)

   D5                       C5                     E5(vii)      A.H.
                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~ (15ma)
|--0------------------7--9 / 12-------------------10-----------11---|
|----------5--7 / 9-------------------------------------------------|

  A.H(15ma)   [bend up & down on same note]
   a/    a/ - \\ - a/ - \\ -  a/ - \\ -|              s/

   E5                              G5
   f/                         *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   What do we need?________________________________________________
                         *catch 3 stg. at 15ft. while vibrating.

   A5                                           G5
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     (w/echo repeats)
|-----------------------------------------------15------(15) \\ -----|
   where do we go, ___________________________

   E5                 G5       D5       C5add9        D5      G5
         when_ we get_ where we don't know?_____________________

   E5                   G5
        Why should_ we doubt____    the

GtrIV         A.H.(15ma)                                type 2
                 f/  \\f/grad bend\\      B5           C5   C5   D5v  E5
virgin white of fallen snow,__when faithUs our shel-ter from the cold?

                              feedback pitches: D, G#

Rhy. Fig. 4
                                             (end Rhy. Fig. 4)
   C5               D5v      E5vii E5            
 Quicksand Jesus I'm so far away without you_________________

* From bar above:  string 5- half bend up
                   string 4- full bend up

w/Rhy. Fig. 4 (3 times)
   C5                         D5                              E5vii
 Quicksand Jesus I'm so far away without you_________________


   C5                              D5v                    E5vii
Quick -sand           Jesus          I'm  so far away

a - way_______________________________________

   C5                             D5v*                        E5vii
Quick -sand           Jesus          I'm  so    far     away_________

   E5             harm.----------|      harm.--------------|
_________________________________     (let ring--------|)

   C5                            D5
  Quicksand Jesus                    I need you

   C5                   D5                            *A.H. pitch B
                              let ring - - - - -|      ~~~~~~ 
|-----------------------------2-------------3 p 2------3*-----------|
   Quick    sand    jesus_____  I    believe         you

   C5                             D5
Quick    sand                                          I'm    so 

*for this bar, first three slides are tied, last is not- if that means
     anything to Tya!
   far______    a   -   way!________________________________________

Rhy. Fig. 5

  C5add9                         D/A                           Em

              f                ~~~~~                      (end rhy.fig5)
_______________(STILL YELLING___________________

w/ Rhy. fig 5 (till fade)
   C5add9        D/A                                             Em
    AH pitch A   * Scrape edge of pick against unwound stg 3 in rhythm
________      Yeah_________________________________

                                         trem bar.     pick sl.
___________________________________ take     me     away.______

Outro: w/ vocal (till fade)

  C5add9                         D/A                         Em
    f        f       PM                              

             A.H - - -~~~~|           PM- - - - - -|        pick sl.
             AH pitch B                                       ~~~~~~~

C5add9                                  D/A                       Em
pick sl.               ~~~~~~~~~           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

             f/        f/           f/  f/        f/        f/

C5add9                       D/A          (trem bar)               Em
                                      f/ \\1/\\1/\\1/

   f           f            f          f         f          f

Begin fade

C5add9                                    D/A                      Em
    a                                    fdbk        semi- harm.  AH

    f                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

C5add9                               D/A                        Em
     f                          ~~~~~~~~~                     f 

       f                              f+a/    *spring noise

C5add9                        D/A                                Em
    f            ~~~~~~~~~~~

                                        (trem. bar )
                             f     /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\

Great solo work in that song. If any comments of corrections lemme know.
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song: quicksand jesus guitar tabs by skid row