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Info About This Tab
Artist: Rush
Tab Type: Bass
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The Weapon
By Rush
Transcribed by Sean Jones
Any comments, questions, or corrections, please contact Sean at seanj@execpc.com
Last Updated 10-10-98

                  Synth Enters
                h h                w   w   w+  w  4x     w   w   w   e e e
||----3 mm.---|-r-r-||--30 mm.-||----|---|---|----||-||----|---|---|-3-5-3-

e e e e e    q q q e e   H q   w+  H e e   q q q e e   q q q q   w+

H e e   H e e   H q   q q e e e e   e e e e e e e e    Q e e q e   Q

e e e e e   Q e e q e   e q e e e e e   Q e e q e   Q e e e e e   e e

e e e q e   e e e e e e e e                          q q q q   q q q
----------|-----------------||--4 mm.--||--20 mm.-||---r---r-|---r------

q   q q q q   q q q q   q q q q   q q q q   q q q q   q q q q
r-|---r---r-|---r---r-|---r---r-|---r---r-|---r---r-|---r---r-||--8 mm.-

        w   w   w+  w  3x w   w   w+  q H   w   w   q h q   q q e e e

e    w   w   H+e e   e e e e e e e e   H e e   w   w+  w   w   w   w

  e e e e e e e e    Q e e q e   Q e e e e e   Q e e q e   e q e e e

e e   Q e e q e   Q e e e e e   e e e e e q e   e e e e e e e e
----|-----------|-------------|---------------|-----------------||--4 mm.

                    q q q q   q q q q   q q q q   q q q q   q q q q
------||--16 mm.-||---r---r-|---r---r-|---r---r-|---r---r-|---r---r-|---

q q q q   q q q q   q q q q
--r---r-|---r---r-|---r---r-||--74 mm.-||--10 mm.-||--4 mm.--||--16 mm.-

                                                h e e  e  e   w+   e
--||--8 mm.--||--4 mm.--||--16 mm.-||--5 mm.--|-r-r-12-11-9-|-11-|------

e  e  e e  e e  e+  e e+ H+   H  q    q q e e e e   e e e e e e e e

e e e q q e   q q e e e e   Q q q e+  w+  w+  w   e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^q+

  h+e e q   e e e q q e+  e q q e e e   w+  w
|---------|-------7-7-7-|---7---------|---|---|--13 mm.-||--------------

==                       TABLATURE EXPLANATION                        ==

----------                ----------                ----t---
----5h8--- Hammeron       ----(8)--- Ghost          ----6--- Tap
----------                ---------- Note           --------
----5p8--- Pulloff        ----------                --------

----------                ----------                -----p--
----5/8--- Slide Up       -----x---- Dead           -----7-- Pop
----------                ---------- Note           --s-----
----5\8--- Slide Down     ----------                --5----- Slap

----------                ||------|| Repeat         --------
----5~~~-- Vibrato        ||*----*||                ---5^--- Bend
----------                ||*----*||                --------
----------                ||------||                --------

----------                ----------                --------
-4:------- Time           ----------                --------
-4:------- Signature      ----------                --------
----------                ----------                --------

  w = whole note            W = dotted whole
  h = half note             H = dotted half
  q = quarter note          Q = dotted quarter
  e = eighth note           E = dotted eighth
  s = sixteenth note        S = dotted sixteenth
  t = 32nd note             T = dotted 32nd
  x = 64th note             X = dotted 64th
  ^ = triplet

==            Created with a demo version of BUCKET O' TAB            ==
==              tablature creation software for Windows               ==
==                  For more info email gse@his.com                   ==

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song: the weapon bass tabs by rush