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Info About This Tab
Artist: Skid Row
Tab Type: Guitar
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"The Threat"


I play in a cover band and we play this song all the time, so this is how I think it's played. Any 
questions or corrections E-Mail them to iahn@caribe.net Listen to the CD for other guitar parts.
  Tablature Explanation:
	p-pull off
	h-hammer on
	t-two hand tap
	fb-full bend
	^-tremolo picking
	*#*-artificial harmonics

Intro: Play 3x




           Verse 1:
 D   G5   F5
	         Well, I've been convicted with and without reason,

	       			   G5			   C5 D5
	tarred and feathered like a piper on a killing spree,       and I felt the anger

		      D  G5  F5				C5			       F5
	of generations,            and been a target of the cheap shots of authority

         D5  F5 F#5 G5  F5					       F5  D5  F5  F#5 G5  F5

                                               	So you think you cut me down to size

									      F5 D5 F5 F#5 G5 D5
				Well there's something you should realize

						F5 D5 F5 F#5 G5 F5 C5
It's gonna take more than a break in the law to make me smile pretty for

        G5	         D5                     C5   			C5    Bb5 		      F5
the wreckin' ball.	       Won't beg,     won't bleed.   The end of sacrifice is a threat to society

D5		C5		    C5   Bb5					     F5
      Hard line, 	      you'll see. Once you've made a mark, you've made a threat to society,

         F5              G5
threat to society

Verse 2:Same as Verse 1

Guitar Solo:  A balls out solo by  Snake played very clean and  fast.









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song: threat guitar tabs by skid row