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Artist: War
Tab Type: Guitar
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that really is pretty much to whole song
except for the part

 i remember the days we used to fight to gether


 i remember the days we used to fight to gether

 Me and baby brother used to run to gether

me and baby brother
used to run together

me and baby brother
used to run together
hey hey hey hey

drunk on one another
headed for the corner

drunk on one another
headed for the corner
hey hey
Trippin' on his mind
Is like drinkin' funky wine
by the river

Trippin' on his mind
Is like drinkin' funky wine
by the river

me and baby brother
used to run together

me and baby brother
used to run together
hey hey hey hey

drunk on one another
headed for the corner

drunk on one another
headed for the corner

I remember the days
We used to fight together

I remember the days
We used to fight together

Me and baby brother
used to run together

Me and baby brother
used to run together

Shot down baby brother
whoa ho ho ho!
And they call it law and order!
hey hey hey
Come back baby brother
Come back baby brother
i Love my
Come back baby brother
Come back baby brother

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song: me and baby brother guitar tabs by war